
Environmental liability, planning and lending for agribusiness - Breakfast Seminar

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Guest speakers;

  • Hans van der Wal - Hans van der Wal Resource Management Lawyer

  • Steve Wilkes - WilkesRM Ltd

  • Cameron Doig - Doig Agribusiness Limited


2 Alfred Street, Blenheim

FREE seminar including light breakfast and refreshments.

Limited places available, bookings essential.  


Our guest speakers will cover three key topics for the rural sector. Hans will provide some tips for minimising exposure to environmental prosecutions and other enforcement action in a changing Resource Management world. Steve will deliver an update on where the proposed Marlborough Environment Plan is at, as well as discussing the implications of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management and the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater for the primary sector. Cameron will highlight what is driving bank agri appetite and funding costs, the importance of setting your own risk parameters, how to keep an eye on the margin you are being charged and differences of regional loan pricing within New Zealand. 

‘93% of farmers said that environmental compliance would be a major driver for financial pressure over the next 5 years’. Jointly commissioned survey of 600 farms by Xero and Figured.

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